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SQL Query - Parsing comma separated string

In this article we will see how to separate data one by one from a comma separated string. First declare a variable to store articles in comma separated values. DECLARE @DataString VARCHAR(200) SET @DataString = 'ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#.NET, SQL, Javascript' Add comma at last to @DataString SET @DataString = @DataString + ',' Using while loop through all the topics in @DataString WHILE (CHARINDEX(',', @DataString) > 0) --  CHARINDEX  is a SQL inbuilt function which returns the integer value if charecter is present in a string. BEGIN         -- To hold each topic         DECLARE @Topics VARCHAR(30)         -- Get the topic one at a time                SET @Topics = SUBSTRING(@DataString,0, CHARINDEX(',', @DataString))         PRINT @Topics         ...
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Upload image and render image through AWS Gateway proxy+ lambda

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SSIS package - set oledb connections at runtime

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SQL query - Table rows as columns

-- Create a table variable to store user data DECLARE @myTable TABLE (    UserName VARCHAR(50),    ArticleName VARCHAR(50) ) -- Insert some data to table to work on that data INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, ArticleName) VALUES ('Jack', 'ASP.NET') INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, ArticleName) VALUES ('Jack', 'SQL Server') INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, ArticleName) VALUES ('Jack', 'C#') INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, ArticleName) VALUES ('Jack', 'VB.NET') INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, ArticleName) VALUES ('David', 'Java') INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, ArticleName) VALUES ('David', 'Java Beans') INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, ArticleName) VALUES ('David', 'Java script') SELECT UserName, ArticleName FROM @myTable -- This is how the table looks after inserting the data Now I want all the articles related to Jack and David in a single column. ...

SQL query - Table sorting

In this article we will learn how to sort the table values with out using dynamic query to improve performance. CREATE PROCEDURE SortingExample ( @sortFiled INT, @sortType INT  -- 1 for ASC, 2 for DESC ) AS BEGIN -- Create a table variable to store user data DECLARE @myTable TABLE ( UserID INT IDENTITY(1,1), UserName VARCHAR(50), Password VARCHAR(50), Email VARCHAR(50) ) -- Insert some data to table to work on that data INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, Password, Email) VALUES ('Jack', 'JackPwd', '') INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, Password, Email) VALUES ('Anand', 'AnandPwd', '') INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, Password, Email) VALUES ('smith', 'smithPwd', '') INSERT INTO @myTable(UserName, Password, Email) VALUES ('Brandy', 'BrandyPwd', '') -- If @sortType = 1 then sort the selected field in ASC ord...

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SSIS - Error handling

In this article we will learn how to handle the errors in SSIS package. In SSIS when package throws an error then these error details is stored in following variables ErrorCode, ErrorDescription and SourceName. Below is the code to handle error in SSIS package. When a SSIS task encounters an error these error details are stored in three system variables. Dts.VariableDispenser.LockForRead("ErrorCode") Dts.VariableDispenser.LockForRead("ErrorDescription") Dts.VariableDispenser.LockForRead("SourceName") ErrorCode variables returns error code which will be numeric. ErrorDescription will give us a brief description of an error encountered by the SSIS task. SourceName give us the task name from which error occured. Private Sub GetErrorValues(ByRef errNumber As Integer, ByRef errDescription As String, ByRef errSource As String)                     Dts.VariableDispenser.LockForRead(...